A Community of Humble Servants

A Community of Humble Servants

We are blessed to live in a community filled with loving and caring people.  People who want to give of their time, talents and gifts to help make this a more beautiful place for others.  People who tirelessly give of themselves without asking for anything in return, simply to help someone else's day become a little brighter.  People who put the needs and cares of others before their own simply in hopes that others will know and receive the same love that has been offered to them.  Such love and care when given so freely produces hope, peace and unity.  What a beautiful thing to witness and be a part of a community living in such love and thus, bearing the fruits of hope, peace and unity – because something more, something bigger is really taking place! 

When love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control are present it is not by our own doing.  It's not our actions or self-discipline that produce these traits or qualities.  No matter how hard we try to do what's right or act a certain way; we can't and don't produce such traits by our own works.(1) 

So, why do we serve? Why do we then step out in action to serve others? If we ever stop and honestly reflect on this question, we might be surprised by our own answer.   This very question stripped me to the core. 

Recently, a colleague and I set off for a day of service with a local non-profit.  We weren't sure exactly how our day would be spent but were excited to go because the services provided by this organization were meaningful to us both.  I think we had hopes of getting to love on and pour into people.  Yet, as we arrived, we learned that our time would not be spent sharing with or giving directly to others. Instead, we would be cleaning the kitchen. The facility would be facing health inspections in the very near future; hence, our help was definitely needed.  Having just come from a meeting, I was not dressed for scrubbing cabinets and the work before us.  (It was actually quite comical to see how I was dressed! Plus, I had no ponytail holder to secure my hair and had to try to make due with twist-ties! I was a mess!)  We accepted our assignment and upon receiving a few directions got straight to work.  Working alongside a seasoned volunteer, I took the opportunity to learn as much as I could about this individual, more about the organization, as well as her role and experience volunteering within the organization.  As we continued to scrub and clean, the conversation began to decrease bit-by-bit as silence staked it's claim.  The intensity of the task was tiring so talking constantly only wore us out more.  About two hours into the process, I realized that my colleague, who was working intently across the kitchen, had been silent almost the entire time we had been working – not really engaging in conversation with the other volunteer or even me.  I began to think and wonder what it was that had caused such silence?  What might possibly be going on?  And then suddenly it hit me – while I was busy chatting away, my colleague was likely praying.  The more I reflected on this possibility, I felt certain this was definitely the case.  So, I felt led to follow the assumed example and do the same.  I began to pray for those that I didn't know by name or face.  I prayed for those that I had no clue what their struggles might be.  As I continued scrubbing and scraping, I prayed for the people that were daily offering love, care, encouragement, direction and support within this organization. Having originally desired to offer such care and love directly, I found myself facing the previously mentioned question – why do we serve?  

As this question interrupted my thoughts and prayers, it hit me below the belt!  Were my intentions sincere?  Was I really wanting to pour into others the love that I have received?  Or was any of this service about me and what I might get out of this?  Was it my actions or self-discipline that I was hoping would produce a result?  Or was my service authentic, something true and sincere? 

My original expectation and hope going into the day was to share and love on people.  The task I had been tackling looked nothing like what I had thought it would.  As I continued questioning about my true heart motivation, it all came into clearer focus. No matter the task before us, we are called to offer our very best. We are to fully give and serve in truth and sincerity.(2)  But was I scrubbing the kitchen with sincerity, offering my very best?  And in love and spirit we are to give and do for others with a humble heart.(3) As I cleaned, was I looking to the interests of others and not myself?   

It became very clear that the task of cleaning the kitchen that day was in fact an opportunity to serve and love on the people placed before me.  While it didn't look like I had thought, hoped or expected it to look, it truly was an opportunity to pour into others the love I had received.  When it is offered with a sincere and humble heart, something beautiful, something big and something mysterious takes place! 

It can be a beautiful thing, and sometimes even painful, when we are humbled!  And it's an even more beautiful thing when two serve together in humility.  Yes, something big happened that day.  My colleague was in fact praying as I had expected.  And this message of humility and offering our best was placed on both of hearts as we each worked in silence.  When we come together as a community of humbled servants to love, serve and give as we have received, something big is going to happen.  It's not by our works but by the work that has been done in our hearts that causes a beautiful mystery to occur!  So, maybe the better question for us to ask ourselves is...how do we serve?  Or even better yet...who do we serve?  When we answer these with truth and sincerity and then serve in humility, something beautiful and even mysterious will happen.  What a gift to be part of a community living in such love and thus bearing the fruits of hope, peace and unity! 



(1)Galatians 5:22; (2)Isaiah 1:13; (3)Philippians 2:1-5 


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