The Start of a Season or Something More?

The Start of a Season or Something More?

It's Memorial Day!  For a large majority, it means a day of no work and school - a day off!  (Unless you are my husband, in retail or in real estate!) But for many, it's a day of sleeping late, having a nice relaxed breakfast and then deciding when to hit the water and fire up the grill.  Since this day is often viewed as the start of summer, many folks look to their favorite water spot – the river, the lake, or the beach – to spend this weekend.  Temperatures are finally warming up and beckoning us outside.  And nothing is more relaxing than a stroll on the beach or a float down the river.  Memorial Day weekend has become a time that many look to get their first taste of summer and steal-away for a mini-vacation. 

So what does Memorial Day and this weekend mean to you?  Is it the official kick-off to your summer?  Is it a weekend filled with relaxation and/or fun?  A time with family and friends?  A time at your favorite water spot?  I must admit, that I spent much of the weekend in the country relaxing with family (but the only water I had was the rain from the massive thunderstorm!).  Years ago in Texas, school was out by this time and this was the beginning of summer.  (Insert exasperated sigh and moan from some current students and teachers as many still have another week remaining!)  

But as I woke this morning, I began to wonder, what this day really means to us all.  Is it simply the start of another season?  A chance to fire-up the grill and relax?  Is it just an indicator to the end of another school year?  I wonder if we surveyed our kids, what they would say if asked the meaning behind Memorial Day. 

So what would you say?  What does Memorial Day really mean to you? 

It's a holiday, indeed.  But I hope you will join me in remembering why it's a holiday – why it's a day of rest – why it's a day of relaxation... 

Memorial Day is a day of remembrance for those that have died in service to our country.   

Incredible men and women have made a huge commitment and sacrifice in serving our country so that you and I have many freedoms.  Men and women selflessly lost their lives for this freedom and this day we remember them and their sacrifice.  We may not know them, but we remember them.  


“We do not know one promise these men made, one pledge they gave, one word they spoke; but we do know they summed up and perfected, by one supreme act, the highest virtues of men and citizens. For love of country they accepted death, and thus resolved all doubts, and made immortal their patriotism and their virtue.” 

- James A. Garfield 
May 30, 1868 Arlington National Cemetery 


May we take time and truly remember those who gave their lives in service.  And not just them but the loved ones that they left behind. Must we not forget... 

As I quickly opened Facebook this morning and did a three minute scan of my news feed, almost every post I saw included pictures of a beautiful beach or river and friends gathered with the ones they love. May we all remember why we observe Memorial Day.  Must we never forget why we have this holiday, why we have a day off and get to celebrate... 

We get to enjoy the water, we get to fire up the grill, we get to relax with family and friends because of the sacrifice of others.  So thank you to the men and women that have and continue to serve this great nation.  And to those who have lost loved ones in service, they are not forgotten.  We honor and remember them this day.   

A Community of Humble Servants

A Community of Humble Servants